Marie-Eve is a former Montreal Alouettes Cheerleader from 2004-2015, serving three years as captain. In 2009-2010 she was fortunate enough to celebrate with back to back Alouette Grey Cup victories. Since 2015, Marie-Eve still works for the Alouettes, game day staff attending to various tasks. Marie-Eve is currently an Executive Assistant at Louise Lapieer Danse, a renowned dance studio in Montreal. Spending the last 25 years as a dancer and employee. In 2018 Marie-Eve returned to school to pursue a new challenge at the University of Montreal. Marie-Eve recently graduated with a degree in criminology. If you want to meet someone who is passionate about volunteering. You need to connect with Marie-Eve!
In celebration of Montreal winning the 2023 Grey Cup we are pleased to extend a promotional offer to any former Montreal Cheerleading Alumni. Join the CFCAO from now until May 31, 2024 and put either MarieEve or Melody's name as the referring member and you will automatically receive an additional year. That means you can join our organization, pay your one year fee and be part of this wonderful organization for 3 full years!